Register Small Boats and Luxury Yachts

Malta Island is one the most widely chosen jurisdictions for ship registration in Europe. There are a few important reasons to register your sail or motor boat and Super Yacht in Malta. The registration process is more efficient than in other countries plus the costs are reasonable low.

German, Swiss, Spanish, and Italian boat owners do have very strict provisions under their own country boat registrations compared to Malta where it is much easier and at a lower cost to register a vessel. You may register your Yacht as a non Resident of Malta or under a Maltese Company

Some of the benefits of registering a yacht under the Maltese flag include:

- No age limits for the registration of yachts in Malta

- Low company formation costs

- Low vessel registration costs

- Beneficial rate of tax on the income of the Malta company

- Reduced VAT

- No need to keep the yacht in Malta

- Confidentiality on the beneficial ownership of the yacht

- No restrictions on the nationality of the ship owner

- No restrictions on the nationality of the master, officers and crew

- No trading restrictions

- An effective mortgage system


Requirements for Malta Yacht Registration

To register your yacht as a commercial vessel under the Malta flag, the following documentation is needed:

- A Power of Attorney to register the yacht as a commercial vessel under the Malta Flag

- An Application for registration (which we will provide)

- Declaration of ownership made before the Registrar (which we will provide)

- Builder’s certificate (if the yacht is new or has never been registered anywhere previously)

If the yacht is over 24m in load line length in terms of Art. 2(8) of the Load Line Convention, an International Tonnage Certificate (ITC 1969) and a Certificate of Survey will be required. (This may be provided by an approved Government Surveyor of Ships in Malta or by a recognized oganisation).

 If the yacht is under 24m in load line length, a certificate of survey (tonnage measurement) issued by an authorized surveyor will be necessary;

International Load Line Certificate will be required for vessels over 24m in load line length

A Certificate of Compliance to trade as a commercial yacht following a successful survey in accordance with the Maltese Commercial Yacht Code, 2006

Application for a Safe manning Certificate (which we can provide)

If over 300 GRT (issued by an authorized surveyor or class) a Radio Certificate will be required. Yachts under 300GRT will have to pass through a Radio inspection carried out by approved Radio Inspector

IOPP Certificate (issued by an authorized surveyor or class) will be required for a vsl over 400GRT

If vessel is in class, a copy of the Class Certificate will be required

A bill of sale (if applicable), evidencing the ownership of the yacht

IRES Ltd. 

Malta Yacht Registration Service

Level 2
Palazzo Ca' Brugnera Valley Road
B'Kara BKR 9024

VAT# MT21402516
Tel/Fax +41-44-274.2515
E-Mail: rk@immoscout360.com


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